Georgia // Month 6

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I can’t believe this sweet little soul has been filling our hearts and arms for HALF OF A YEAR already. She’s almost been in our arms as long as she was in my body. That’s just bananas. Look at that little face.

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No really. LOOK AT IT. Look at her, all of her sweet little being. I am so honored to be her mom, to be a safe place for her to snuggle and to rest against.

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LOOK AT THEM. They’re my DAUGHTERS, my CHILDREN. I have children, can you even believe that?

Having a real emotional go at this 6 month mark if you can’t tell 🙂

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So many pictures of sleepy Georgia. I try to take pictures while the girls are awake but it always feels like I’m doing something, or I’m in the moment, and by the time I think to get a picture, they’re both asleep. I don’t dare wake Madeleine, but sneaking over to snap a picture of Georgia just fills my heart.

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I rescued my ring sling from my mom’s house and I forgot how much I love the ease of getting a baby all snug in a ring sling vs tying a wrap. Both are great for different reasons, but this ring sling is great. Madeleine even wanted me to carry her in it!

Georgia is often called Georgie at this point, which I’m here for. She loves her little Skip Hop activity gym, laying almost naked on the floor and grabbing her feet, and getting tickled.

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She’s working on her tummy time and sitting up on her own. All around, she is still just a little dream baby and I live for the face she makes when I look at her from across the room and say “Georgia.” She just lights up from to to ear and I just want to pinch myself that she’s ours.



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