Madeleine // Month 6

Before Madeleine was born, I kept saying “if I can just get to like 6 months, I’ll be fine,” because I was TERRIFIED of the thought of a newborn baby. It seemed so far away. There were so many days in between the day she was born and the magic 6 month mark I’d given myself for when I’d feel like I knew I what I was doing.

Here’s a shocking revelation: I literally have no idea what I’m doing. but it is very good.

This month, in addition to finding herself in the midst of a global pandemic (aren’t we all), Madeleine also experienced her first (and hopefully last) tornado right before we left Nashville. It was so terrifying. Luckily she wasn’t freaked out. If Madeleine had been scared, I would have lost my mind. She also caught her first cold right when we got back from Nashville. It’s been a lot.

We’ve been self-isolating for two weeks now, and Madeleine’s been a champ about it. We don’t have a backyard. or much space. but she just loves to play, and I think if it was up to her she’d just play and eat from the minute the sun came up until.. well, actually past the sun went down.

IMG 6677

She’s not really rolling, mostly because she just wants to lay on her back and bam her legs. Now when she’s being fed, she’ll reach her hand out and grab your chin or cheek. She’s slept 10-11 hours a few times at night, but never consistently.

Now she’s in size 2 diapers, still sleeps in 3 month pajamas (lol what) and wears 3-6 month clothes, though she’s got plenty of room to grow in them. No teeth, though she’s drooling a lot.

“a-boo” is her favorite sound to make, singing “Uptown Funk” quietly to her when she’s upset literally calms her down 10/10 times, and she loves the bath.

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Since we’re self-isolating and all of her grandparents are missing precious moments with her, I decided to start trying to document the weeks and making videos. Here’s the week leading up to her 1/2 birthday (omg what).

and as always, some pictures from the past month of her life. Peep the pictures of her and the twins <3

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Madeleine and Miss Kristen.

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at a beer coffee place in east Nash

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My 3 fave girls, all matching <3

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how Madeleine spent most of our flights 🙂

ACF5CEFF 3FEC 4289 A6F5 8ED0FEEEF5F9 scaled 89FCD6EE 49CE 440D 9C28 DFB5662C612D

sweetest little sleepy face of all time.

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I used to leave her propped up in her Boppy while I quickly went to the bathroom (it’s 4 feet away and the doors are both open). Then I came back to this, and that was the last time I did that, haha.

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I love her little sleeping face.

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The day Madeleine got sick. At 10:45 am she was just a little stuffy, but still happy. Her mood rapidly declined until she was miserable.

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Steamed up the bathroom to try and help her congestion. It was a really rough week as a mom.

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Because she had a temp of 101 and was miserable we went into the doctor’s office. As soon as she got in the car, this happened. It went down her arm, UNDER HER BUTT. Poor girl 🙁

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So many snuggles for sweet sick Madeleine. No RSV or flu, just a cold they said (this was literally a week before COVID-19 kind of became a huge deal, though we’re in Washington so it was already a deal here). We used a roller of Frankincense, Cardamom & Lime on her chest, back and top of her foot and literally within a day she was back to her normal self, just a stuffy version.

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Big fan of toys.  23BAB5F3 3D5B 4507 9ABD 39C7275046D4 scaled

Silly little side eye.

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As if 2020 wasn’t enough of a train wreck we had to suffer through THE WORST season of The Bachelor that has EVER existed. I bought this onesie for nothing.  1B915F55 4AC8 4461 AD56 BD06528FC79C scaled C4156282 CC7A 4F4E ABE5 6F0F00D26BC5 scaled

Holding her bottle herself.

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Picking out her bow 🙂

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All toys, all the time.

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1st St. Patrick’s Day!

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She loves my strings 🙂  7C805A26 AD31 4B50 96EB 1E060E1F741E scaled

She grabs her toes now and it’s so freaking cute.

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Another sleeping picture because look at that face.


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Madeleine // Month 5

IMG 9234 e1580497291476Madeleine // Month 4

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Madeleine // Month 3

31B4DA8D D128 41CF AB6C 9A9158F89419Madeleine // Month 2

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Madeleine // Month 1

The Prologue:
Baby Martian // Week 38
Baby Martian // Week 37
Baby Martian // Week 36
Baby Martian // Week 35
Baby Martian // Week 34
Baby Martian // Week 33
Baby Martian // Week 32
Baby Martian // Week 31
Baby Martian // Week 30
Baby Martian // Week 29
Baby Martian // Week 28
Baby Martian // Week 23
Baby Martian // Week 22
Baby Martian // Week 20


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