Last year I found this little “My First Halloween” outfit at the Goodwill Outlet and since it was Madeleine’s first holiday, I made her wear that ALL THE TIME and was really sad when we packed it away (and let me be honest, when I saw it again I got all choked up because HOW WAS SHE SO SMALL??).
Here we are, mid-August, and all of a sudden I just keep thinking I NEED TO GET MADELEINE HALLOWEEN PAJAMAS! Since I can’t realistically buy all of the cute Halloween PJS (moment of silence) I figured I’d at least round up some of the cutest ones I’ve seen so I can live vicariously through other people buying them! 🙂 A great idea for a gift are some comfy and relaxing pjs for couples and children!
These baby and toddler Halloween pajamas are from a variety of sites (my favorites were Hanna Andersson, Old Navy and Gap) and I’ll try to continue updating the list throughout the spooky season!
Anyone else not a big fan of the skeleton look? I’m all about pumpkins and candy but the skeletons are a little too creepy for me!
100% SOLD on the fact my girls need to wear all pumpkins all season