It was a dark and stormy night…

It was a dark and stormy night…

It was a dark and stormy night… begins the first line of Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle In Time,” and begins the final chapters of the pregnancy of Baby Martian. As we sat in the delivery…

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Baby Martian // Week 38

Baby Martian // Week 38

This is it, y’all. At our midwife appointment, we scheduled an induction for next weekend, the end of week 39. I’ve been planning on letting things happen naturally but after talking to both of our…

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Baby Martian // Week 37

Baby Martian // Week 37

It is absolutely mind-blowing to think that we’re SO CLOSE to meeting our baby. and it’s also slightly terrifying. For a minute we were disappointed that we hadn’t taken a picture for week 37, and…

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Baby Martian // Week 35

Baby Martian // Week 35

The amount of time I spend worrying about delivering this baby is slowly and steadily increasing. Every time I go to roll over and feel some random form of sharp pain in some random place…

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Baby Martian // Week 34

Baby Martian // Week 34

The other day, I was working on my computer and I felt the tiny human inside of me start squirming and moving and it was uncomfortable and I thought… I wonder if it’s 9 am.…

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Baby Martian // Week 33

Baby Martian // Week 33

There’s this song I’ve known and loved for like 16 years, called “What’ll She Look Like,” by this band called Stephen Speaks. and ON THE DAILY, I get that song stuck in my head for…

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