Two years with Georgia

Two years with Georgia

Two years of sweet Georgia Anastacia. When Madeleine turned two, Georgia was a tiny newborn and so it didn’t hit as hard. Now it feels like my BABY is two. Georgia, most frequently called Georgie,…

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O’Keefe Sunflower Festival 2023

O’Keefe Sunflower Festival 2023

When you’ve got a little kid who loves flowers and the color yellow and then you see a sunflower festival online… is there even a question you’d go? We spent a morning at the O’Keefe…

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hope & plum ring sling review

hope & plum ring sling review

This blog post contains a hope & plum ring sling review as well as a hope & plum discount code. When Georgia was a baby, I prioritized skin to skin. In addition to having some…

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Stop This Train

Stop This Train

I am trying to enjoy it. Every day I try to soak it in. Their hands are the smallest they’ll ever be again. They will never be this little ever again. Today Madeleine found some…

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Friday Favorites #2 – (bi?)weekly favorites

Friday Favorites #2 – (bi?)weekly favorites

I tried REALLY HARD to get a post ready for last week, but alas… life. So now, and maybe for now, this will be an every other week thing. ONE // The Enchanted Cupcake Party…

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Our favorite books – March 2023

Our favorite books – March 2023

We are strong into our book era over here in the Martian household. There are SO MANY BOOKS in the world so I thought I’d share some of our favorite books as of March 2023.…

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